
Archive for the ‘Avon’ Category


As we all know, I started my AVON business back in January. I cannot begin to tell you how much AVON has changed my life over the last seven months. It started off as extra income in our pockets and now, I’m working on my goal to acquire enough customers and team members (stay tuned for details in the coming sentences…) that I can eventually become a work-from-home Mom with my AVON business.

Having my own AVON business means so much…..

It means that I can work my own hours around my schedule so my time with the family is not compromised. Having flexible hours means that if you are a Mom you can get the kids to dance & football! You can even bring your kids to work with you. (My Little Bear is also known as Mommy’s Little AVON Helper.)

It means that I am my OWN BOSS!!! No one to tell me what time to report in or clock out. No one to fire me. No one to cut me a check! It’s all about ME and MY NEEDS!

Let me share with you this AWESOME OPPORTUNITY that I was given By A Mom – For Us Moms. It really is the PERFECT opportunity. There really is no risk to give this a try…..

Avon has been in business for 120 years and they have helped many women achieve their goals and dreams.

It can do the same for you! AVON has offered both women and men a unique chance to start a home based business and to make it grow. Today, three million independent representatives are taking advantage of that opportunity. And there is always room for more. Success is truly within your reach. Sell some of the most innovative and popular skin care and beauty products in the world.

* Make YOUR own hours, develop YOUR own customers!
* Sell from YOUR own home, office or anywhere YOU like! (I’ve been selling in the Park on my laptop or even to park visitors during a visit with my daughter)
* Set YOUR own goals – what you put in is what YOU get out! (My first goal was to earn extra income so we could pay off some debt. Now that that goal is reached, I am reaching for an even bigger goal – make this a full time job so I can work from home and be with my daughter)

* To START YOUR AVON Business, there are NO Credit Checks or Requirements.
* YOU must be at least 18 years old.
* Startup costs the LOWEST of any direct sales company! You do not have to buy inventory!
* Earn 50% Commission (Limited Time Only)!
* Health Benefits and Savings Plans also offered!
* NO Minimum Order!
* NO Sales Quotas
* NO Inventory to buy!

Expand YOUR business by becoming an AVON Beauty Advisor, doing Fundraisers or Selling On-Line as an eRepresentative.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I LOVE being an AVON Representative. I’m also an AVON Beauty Advisor, an online eRepresentative and Fundraising Specialist. I love AVON so much that I am trying to reach every Mom I possibly can to share this opportunity.

My AVON business has grown by leaps and bounds over the last seven months. I now have my own AVON team called Team Rising Stars. I currently have about 22 women on my team and we are all striving for the same goal – financial independence all while we are our OWN BOSS!!! It’s wonderful to see my ladies succeed and help them to reach their goals.

I would LOVE to have you on my team! Want to JOIN AVON and START MAKING MORE MONEY TODAY?!

Go to: http://www.start.youravon.com
Enter Reference Code: krementer

That’s it. Yes! AVON has made it that much easier now that you can SIGN UP ONLINE! In the comfort of your own home!

JOIN my AVON team today and you will not only receive your Welcome Kit from AVON but I will also send you my own personal packet full of information that will help build your business!

With AVON you are not in business by yourself but FOR yourself. I will be with you every step of the way to help you achieve your goals!

Have more questions?????? Email me at kathie (dot) rementer (at) hotmail (dot) com. That’s my AVON business email and I’ll help answer what ever questions you may have.

So what are you waiting for??? JOIN AVON TODAY!!!!!

Not interested in joining but what to purchase products??? Please visit my store website at http://www.beautyvendor.com . Would like a brochure mailed to your home? Email me and I’ll get one right out to you.

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So sorry for being MIA since Monday. It’s been one hellofa week. Dh took a side job this week and has been working his day job then going and doing the side job right after. He normally lends me that extra hand during the evening hours to tend to Little Bear and some lead way to get a few other things done. Since that extra help is not available, I’ve been pretty strapped with pc time.

Work has been pretty steady this week and when I’m not doing my “day” job or tending to my family, I’m spending the rest of my free time building my AVON business.

My AVON business is doing great!!!! I now have eight in my downline!!! πŸ™‚ Sadly, one went into inactive state so I technically only have seven now. 😦 (Ah well, you keep some, you loose some.) Once everyone submits their payments next week for their previous sales campaign, I will have obtained UNIT LEADER status. Wahoo!! So excited. This means I can now start earning Bonus Checks off of their sales. SWEET!!!!!!!! I cannot wait. I actually only need two of my gals to submit their payments. You see, you need five successful recruits to obtain Unit Leader status. A successful recruit is a person who has placed and paid for their first order of $50 or more. It’s pretty simple and easy but AVON wont title you until they make that payment. I’m an impatient person you know. πŸ˜‰

It looks like a slow AVON weekend for me too. Thank goodness. My order delivery weekends are so chaotic. Last weekend especially since I was also appointing new recruits. The only real AVON job I have to do this weekend is to distribute next campaigns books. I might be appointing another recruit this weekend too. She hasn’t called back yet tho and I don’t have her contact number so we’ll see what happens.

Since Dh is working the side job all this weekend, it’s just Little Bear and me. If the possible recruit does not call this weekend, that’s okay with me. I could use some down time and especially with Little Bear. The weather is supposed to be crappy this weekend so it will make for good indoor time spent with her. πŸ™‚ I’ve got a weekend planned full of playing “Chase”, watching Disney films and playing with edible finger paint!

And on that note….I really must be getting back to work……Til next time folks!

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My Newest, Exciting Adventure

I have been so uber busy with everything lately that I forgot to share one important piece of information about a month ago or a little later. Shame on me.

As most of you know, I recently celebrated the first birthday of my darling daughter back in December. During that time, I was able to have a chance to β€œtaste” stay-at-home Mom life for three wonderful weeks. As you can imagine, I thoroughly enjoyed it. So much so that I was determined now, more than ever, to do whatever I can to achieve that goal – to be able to stay at home with her.

It was during my time with her that I decided to do some digging around. I finally decided on something I could work on with the potential to be able to obtain my goal! I can recall when I was five or six sitting at the kitchen table with my Mom helping her sort out her delivery/order bags. At that time, she was selling AVON to enable her to be able to stay at home with us during the day while my Father was at work providing for his family. My goal is to be as successful as she was – for me and for my family!

As of January 8, 2009, I have officially became Your Avon Lady. πŸ˜€ I am also two campaigns ahead of most representatives as I am in the Trendsetter district. Currently, I am now offering Campaign 8.

You can order directly from my webstore (with FREE shipping on any order!) at http://www.youravon.com/krementer Please use the free shipping code available on my site when checking out and submitting your order.

Easter is fast approaching and AVON has a lot of good stuff to offer and a ton of sales. Please do me a favor and place an order from me if you love AVON or would like to support me in my quest to becoming a WORK FROM HOME Momma to my darling 13 month old little girl. πŸ™‚

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